Founded 2020

CreeSiendo Paz


Our vision:  Believing, Being and Growing Peace


God has given us a vision to inspire the next generation of Colombian youth with a new understanding and experience of peace by placing Jesus, the prince of peace, as the starting point and foundation for transformation. We want to share the spirit of Shalom: peace between man and God, peace between men, and peace between man and Creation.


Our reality:  For more than 50 years, Colombians have lived in the middle of a civil war between the government and armed guerrilla groups - violence has been part of our daily existence. Mass killings, the torturing of innocent victims, forced displacements and relocations, kidnappings, sexual violence, terrorist attacks, and illicit trafficking are all common themes in the daily news in Colombia.


The statistics are alarming. Between 1958 and 2012, the armed conflict had resulted in the death of 218,094 people, 19 percent of whom were soldiers and 81 percent of whom were civilians. The emotional, psychological, and societal damage has been so severe that these acts of violence have been normalized and no longer shock Colombia’s citizens.


CreeSiendo Paz will promote a culture of peace through preventative educational programs that protect human rights, and by collaborating with like-minded organizations serving children and youth in Colombia.

Donate Directly To CreeSiendo Paz


Our Programs

After-School Program

Serving 93 Children and Teens 
annually since 2020

Street Leader Program

Serving 20  
annually since 2020

Executive Director
Executive Director

Donate Directly To CreeSiendo Paz

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