Founded 2020

UrbanPromise Nashville


Nashville is an emerging multi-ethnic city that is home to over 60,000 refugees. More than 100 different languages are spoken and if trends hold, by 2040, Nashville will be a majority minority city, meaning no one ethnic group will make up the majority.  We believe that people currently on the fringes of society will be the future leaders of Nashville.  We believe that education is a powerful lever that God uses to raise up leaders to do His work. Much like He did with Moses, Daniel, and Paul (all who were minorities in their city), God uses formative education to prepare individuals to lead and shape nations that were not their own. We see this happening in Nashville.


With this in mind, UrbanPromise Nashville is working to raise up the refugee youth of Nashville into Christian leaders who are passionate about restoring their communities and advancing the Kingdom of God. Our mission is to help refugee youth heal, learn and direct their own future for good. We fulfill this mission with our three-fold holistic approach, to reach a child, raise a leader, and restore community through our after school and summer camp programs for elementary school refugee students and our StreetLeader program for high school refugee students.

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Our Programs


Serving 257 Children and Youths  
annually since 
Through our after school and summer camp programs in South Nashville, UP Nashville provides opportunities for elementary school refugee students to improve their academic competency, establish positive relationships, receive trauma healing, explore the arts, and form their faith.


Serving 501 Youths  
annually since 
Through our StreetLeader program, UP Nashville  employs high school refugee students as tutors and peer mentors for the elementary students.  These teens receive extensive leadership development, job training, academic support, and trauma healing to help them succeed and thrive. Our great hope is to disciple and equip the refugee youth of Nashville to share the love of Jesus to those around them.


Serving 501 Children and Families  
annually since 
Holistic care for UrbanPromise families Community engagement e

Co-Founder and Executive Director
Jonathan Sheahen
Co-Founder and Operations Director
Shawna Sheahen

Donate Directly To UrbanPromise Nashville

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