RiseMalawi – Youth Dream Center
In 2017 RiseMalawi added the Youth Dream Center as a program that gives young people who have graduated from High School to receive discipleship, and job skill training.
Launch Date: Jan 12, 2017
risemalawi | africa, malawiIn 2017 RiseMalawi added the Youth Dream Center as a program that gives young people an opportunity to utilize the gap year which happens in Malawi after one takes the National Exam and begins college, if they are accepted, to learn new skills and how to run a business. These skills they learn help provide for their family's needs, but also give them skills to earn money so they are able to attend college. They learn animal husbandry, and sustainable farming while learning how to have a good business model. Currently, the Youth Dream Center is completing the construction of its carpentry and welding training facilities.

Chikondi Mbewe
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According to the Ministry of Sports, Youth, and Culture annual report (2013), only 66% of students complete high school every year of which less than 10% enroll in college education leaving 56% vulnerable to economic challenges. Lack of community-based mentorship and access to colleges and trade schools are some of the challenges affecting many youths in Madisi, hence the existence of the Youth Dream Center. The vision of Rise Malawi Youth Dream Center is to create transformed minds and innovative skills for youths, providing them with trade skills and entrepreneurship support for a better life and a sustainable community.