Girls’ Raising Hands-YouthPromise Centre Kenya
Project Goal - $45,000
youth-promise-kenya | africa, kenyaGirls' Raising Hands is a program under YouthPromise Centre Kenya. We exists with a mission to raise a generation of healthy and empowered girls. Our focus is to keep girls in Embu, Kenya in school because the drop-out rate before they reach 12th grade is so high. We believe that when girls are empowered, they become better women in the society and become part of decision making, and this contributes to growth of the society. Our programs include:
Hygiene Program-Girls are provided with a feminine hygiene kit every month, which reduces school absenteeism, and give girls a better opportunity to participate in class, increases chances of success, which brings a lot of hope. Additionally, girls are taught the importance of maintaining their menstrual hygiene.
Entrepreneurship-Girls get equipped with sewing skills, beading skills, soap making, taught about financial management, and how to come up with   smart business ideas.
Computer Training- Since technology is developing everyday, our girls are equipped with computing skills, as well as taught how they can do online jobs so that they are not left behind.
Mentorship- One on one guidance and counselling is done where girls are taught the importance of shunning away from vices, and focus on education,   as well as ways in which they can better themselves.